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There is a growing need for validation/feasibility studies prior to the use of biologgers , especially those that record multiple parameters or when they are being used in previously untagged or rarely tagged species. Physiological sensors are currently underutilized, but could be an extremely useful tool for advancing fish welfare and conservation efforts. For example, the fH loggers used in this study recorded good quality ECGs, provided quite accurate measurements of fH in free-swimming salmon, and could record small changes in fH associated with exercise, diel variation and changes in temperature. Using these DSTs, we found that salmon require a minimum of 4 days, and up to 2–3 weeks (consistent with Hvas et al. ), for fH to stabilize following the surgical and implantation procedures required. In addition, the tags allowed for the quantification of HRV in the salmon during a Ucrit test, and thus, provide a new avenue for research on cardiac physiology. Lastly, the centi-HRT ACT tags recorded values of acceleration that can be used to estimate salmon swimming speed and TBF, and are useful for determining when salmon are swimming steadily or burst swimming. It is our hope that future users of these DSTs, and other biologgers, will find the data and recommendations provided in this paper useful.
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Changes in heart rate (fH) and related parameters when Atlantic salmon were given a critical swim (Ucrit) test (water velocity increment of 0.2 BL s−1). a fH (in bpm) was measured every 2 min in salmon immediately prior to (resting values) and during the Ucrit test. Heart rate variability (HRV, in ms); b was manually calculated from the electrocardiograms and the percentage of ‘good’ quality ECGs (i.e., QI0); c was calculated by the tag algorithm. Dissimilar lower case letters indicate a significant difference between values, as determined by linear mixed-effects models. These models did not include the swimming speeds of 1.8 and 2.0 BL s−1 due to low sample sizes. The percentage of good quality ECGs did not change significantly with swim speed (P > 0.05). Data are means ± S.E.M.; n = 6–8 except where indicated
After surgery, the salmon were recovered in anesthetic-free water and returned to their holding tank (see below). Following all experiments, the fish were euthanized in seawater containing 0.3 g L−1 MS-222 to perform post-mortem dissections and to recover the tags/data. Post-mortem dissections were conducted to record incision length, the distance from the front of the tag to the pericardium, any signs of infection or inflammation, and to determine the fish’s sex when possible. Data were retrieved using the COM-BOX and Mercury software.
Prystay TS, Lawrence MJ, Zolderdo AJ, Brownscombe JW, de Bruijn R, Eliason EJ, Cooke SJ. Exploring relationships between cardiovascular activity and parental care behavior in nesting smallmouth bass: a field study using heart rate biologgers. Comp Biochem Physiol A. 2019;234:18–27.
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